San Francisco Turkey Trot
Attn: Chief Executive Turkey

Send Some Love to The Turkey via Text:
(All messages promoting t-shirts, screen printing, and portable restroom services will be deleted.)
The Turkey is very wise, with an enormous (wait..... make that ENORMOUS) bird brain, so people like to ask him all sorts of things. Following are the most frequently-asked questions he receives, along with his sage responses.
CAN I SIGN UP ON RACE DAY? No. There will be no race day registration. Our event permit restricts registration capacity, which is filled every year in mid-November.
ARE STROLLERS ALLOWED ON THE COURSE? The cross country style course is not particularly jogging stroller friendly. Course includes lots of grass fields, dirt & gravel paths, and some narrow trails (where runners will be trying to pass). A baby/toddler may not be comfortable being pushed over 3 or 5 miles of rugged terrain. It would be a very turbulent ride! Like if we put The Turkey into a stroller and pushed him across the course, the bumpy ride would likely knock all the delicious Stove Top Stuffing out of him and we'd be left with a mess on our hands! That said, it's your call, but strollers should be behind runners at the start line.
I SIGNED UP FOR THE 5 MILER, CAN I CHANGE MY REGISTRATION TO THE 3 MILER? No need to change your registration. All 3 milers and 5 milers begin at the SAME starting line. On the course, there will be course monitors, markers, and signs that direct the 3 milers and 5 milers along the proper routes, so you’ll end up in the correct finish corral and be timed correctly. See photo below of The Turkey below, making himself useful by directing runners.
CAN I JUST SIGN MY CHILD UP FOR THE KIDS RACES? Kids can be signed up ALONG with an adult, when the adult registers for the 5 Mile or 3 Mile events. There is no separate registration just for the kids races.
DO YOU OFFER DISCOUNTS OR GROUP RATES? No. There is only one registration fee. Our event permit restricts registration capacity, which is filled every year by mid-November.
WOOF! WOOF! ARE DOGS ALLOWED? No. Sorry, but NO DOGS ALLOWED - While The Turkey loves his canine brethren, dogs, leashes, and hundreds of runners do not mix. Fido will not appreciate running on a short leash either. No dogs. Humans and turkeys only.
WHO DOES THE RACE BENEFIT? Since 2004, the San Franturkey Trot has benefitted the Lowell High School Cross Country and Track & Field Teams.